All Things For Good

Romans 8:28. “And we know that in all things, God works for the good of those who love Him, those called according to His purpose.”

This has been my favorite verse for my whole life. But something so incredible about it is that through God’s sovereign work in my life, the verse has transformed into new meaning. When I was younger, the verse brought confidence that all things in my life would work out for my definition of “good.” That even if something went wrong, God would use it for good by the situation changing to success, victory, superiority, etcetera… again my definition of “good” in my life. But through God’s transformative power through trials and tribulations, he revealed to me that this verse means much more than that. God showed me His unending promise that all things work together for HIS good and for HIS glory, to redeem His people through Christ Jesus. This verse does not promise that my business will prosper or that I will be free from sickness, but it promises that these circumstances are intricately woven together in God’s sovereign plan to bring me closer to Him through Christ Jesus. So, I live today confident that God is in control and is good in all my highs and lows. My role is to love God with all my heart, mind and soul, and have security in knowing God will take care of the rest!

-Courtney Fernau


God’s Fulfilling Purpose